Special Item Request

Don’t see the item you’re looking for in our catalogue? Have a piece of fandom merch you just have to have but are blocked by georestrictions? We’re here to help!

For a 20% commission fee, we’ll order what you need and forward it to your address of choice.

Please fill out the form below to give us details about the item you’re looking for, including the URL for online orders if applicable. Please also be sure to include your Shipping Address and desired shipping method (SAL [2-3 weeks, slow and cheap], Airmail [1-2 weeks, middle-ground], or EMS [3-5 days, TRACKING, most expensive but most secure]).

    Your full name (required)

    Your e-mail (required)

    Your shipping address (required)

    Desired shipping method (required)

    Item URL (if applicable)

    Item description/Details

    Please fill out the captcha form.
